

The Beginning Of Our Love Story

Today marks the first month since we fell in love, and the video above captures the moments of this month. Yesterday, we talked about creating a website, and suddenly we decided to keep our own love diary online! Without hesitation, the next morning we applied for an email address just for the two of us, and then we went to xLog. As for why we chose the name sunshine-sunflower. She said, "Sunshine and sunflowers have a special meaning of faith, radiance, and loyalty, with the sun representing positive energy. Sunflowers symbolize the pursuit of beauty, eternity, and a love for life. It also signifies that wherever you look, there is only you." Isn't it wonderful? He thought so too. This blog marks the beginning of our love story blog, and in the journey ahead, he firmly believes that it will take a very long time to find this post from the most recent one...

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